
italiano - english

Eugenio Miccini (Florence 1925-2007)

(from www.artantide.com)

Education and Influences:
While studying at a Seminary, he became very interested in Greek philosophy and Latin literature, the influence of which can be seen in his later, more mature work during the nineteen seventies. He gained a teaching degree and subsequently became a publicist. He then embarked on a period of complex activities and literary militancy, working on various publications, including "Quartiere", "Letteratura", and "Il Menabò". He published a number of books and poems and won the City of Florence poetry prize in 1961. In 1962 he began for the first time to experiment with visual poems and in 1963 founded 702 Group in Florence with Lamberto Pignotti and Luciano Ori, establishing Visual Poetry as a means of artistic expression.

Artistic development:
In 1965 his Visual Poems appeared in an anthology presented by Lamberto Pignotti and published by Sampietro in Bologna. This was an intense period in his career, characterised by strong idealism and the organisation of exhibitions, shows, debates and publications on the subject of visual poetry. In Florence in 1969 he organised "Centro Tèchne", together with a journal of the same name and accompanying notebooks , all dedicated to visual poetry, the theatre and the cultural and political debates taking place at around this time. In the nineteen seventies he took part in the "International Visual Poetry Group", also known as "The Group of Nine" and, together with Sarenco, edited the second and third series of the "Poetic Struggle" journal in Brescia, Italy. In 1983 he founded the "Logomotives" group with Arias-Misson, Blaine, Bory, De Vree, Sarenco and Verdi. Over the years he has also been involved in various academic activities, working as an expert in Semiotics in the Faculty of Architecture at the University of Florence and teaching History of Art at the Academies of Fine Art in Verona and Ravenna (Italy).
His work has been shown in some of the most significant international exhibitions: four times at the Biennale in Venice (XXVI Biennial International Art Exhibition in Venice, "The book as a place of research", 1972; XXXIX Biennial International Art Exhibition in Venice, "The time of the museum", 1980; XLII Biennial International Art Exhibition in Venice, "Art and science", 1986; XLV Biennial International Art Exhibition in Venice, "Italian opera, transits", 1993; the XI Quadrennial Art Exhibition in Rome, Palazzo dei Congressi, as pearl commissary in the Visual Poetry section, 1986 and finally at the Stedelijk Museum in Amsterdam, the Pilotta Museum in Parma, the Museum of Modern Art in New York, the National Galleries of Warsaw, Cèret, Lublino, Valenza and Antwerp and others. He has published over eighty books, both creative works and essays. Included in the first category are: Visual poems 1962-1970, Florence, Tèchne (1970); Ex Rebus, Florence, Tèchne (1970) and Archive of Italian visual poetry, Florence, Tèchne (1970). In the second category is: Visual poetry and its surroundings, Florence, Meta (1995).

Latest personal exhibitions:

Studio Morra, Napoli
Galèrie J. & J. Donguy, Parigi
Mercato del Sale, Milano
Galleria Lo Spazio, Verona
Comune di Senigallia, (AN)
Galleria Cinquetti, Verona
Galery Kaze, Osaka
Galleria Unimedia, Genova
La Cave Litteraire, Villefontaine (Francia)
Comune di Montecatini Terme (PT)
Palazzo dei Diamanti, Ferrara
Galleria Fioretto, Padova
Galleria Fontanella Borghese, Roma
Galleria Uxa, Novara
Farsetti Arte, Prato
Salone di Villa Romana, Firenze
Galleria Gagliardi, S.Gimignano (SI)
Galleria De' Foscherari, Bologna
Di Stefano/Incontri, Enna
Galleria SKC, Belgrado
Atelier Ducale, Mantova
Galleria "Carte d'Arte", Catania
Associazione Artisti, Faenza
Galleria Fioretto, Padova
RAI 1 + RAI Sat, (con Paolo Fabbri e Achille Bonito Oliva) "L'occhio" (3 perfonnances)  

Latest joint exhibitions:

XIV Biennale di Venezia
Poèsure et peintrie, Musei di Marsiglia
Dadaismo/Dadaismi, Galleria d'Arte Moderna Palazzo Forti, Verona
Quattro quartetti, Taormina Arte, Taormina (CT)
Intennedia Avantgarde, Queensland Art Gallery, Brisbane (Australia)
Musica e no, S.Maria della Scala, Siena
Musica e no, Palazzo Ducale, Mantova
Musica e no, Biblioteca Nazionale Centrale, Firenze
Poesia Totale 1897-1997:Dal Colpo di dadi alla Poesia Visuale,Palazzo della Ragione, Mantova
Correnti alternate, Gelleria Spazio-Tempo, Firenze
La parola come immagine e come segno, Firenze: storia di una rivoluzione colta (1963-1980), Monsummano Terme (PT)
Centro Culturale "G.Baratta", Mantova
Palazzina delle Arti, La Spezia
Il disegno in Toscana (1945-1999), Villa Medicea, Poggio a Caiano (PO)
Il libro d'artista in Italia, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Torino
Arte per la vita, Auditorium CR., Pisa
La Poesia Visiva 1963-1979, Villa Pacchiani, S.Croce sull'Arno
Text-image, Musèe des beaux arts, La Chaux de Fonda (CH)
Text-image, MART Archivio del Novecento, Rovereto
Text-image, Museion, Galleria d' Arte Moderna - Bolzano
Ricercare. Labor. Nuove scritture, Musei Civici, Reggio Emilia
"Visual Poetry", (Bezigrajska galerija) Ljubljana Municipal Gallery, Ljubljana
L'elemento verbale nell'arte contemporanea, Galleria Martano, Torino; Galleria Milano, Milano
Festival Mundial de Poesia Sperunental, Habana, Cuba
Il sacro nell'arte contemporanea, Galleria Vahnore, Vicenza
Firenze-Siena, Fondazione Vacchi, Castello di Grotti (SI)
Esercizi di stile, Palazzina delle Arti, La Spezia
Parleransi li omini, Assisi Giubileo 2000, Comune di Assisi
Progetto 2001: L'immagine della parola" (Carrega Miccini Pignotti) - Gallerie: De' Foscherari, Bologna
"Poesia in azione"- CORPI DI POESIA (mostra e performances) Fiera del libro, Pad.Regione Piemonte, Galleria d'Arte Moderna, Torino
Scrittura-Materia, Galleria Dieda, Bassano del Grappa (VI)

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Eugenio Miccini
tit: Possibilità dell'epica
an. 2001



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aut. Eugenio Miccini

an. 2001

pubblicazione b/n/publication b/n:
Erbafoglio (n.23/24)



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Eugenio Miccini
an. 2001
pubblicazione b/n/publication b/n:
Erbafoglio (n.23/24)